Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again. [even if you never did]

Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again. [Even if you never did]

Believing in yourself… A.K.A. growing your self-belief…
How many “self” words have you heard by now?

There’s self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence…
All powerful words yet somehow they don’t hit home with you.

And it all makes perfect sense. These words are not “things” that you just have.
They sound simple but it’s not something that happens overnight, is it?

Building self-worth can be quite a journey if you’ve always been told you’re not good enough.
Creating positive self-esteem can be hard when you don’t know where to start.
Gaining self-confidence can feel impossible when you’re good at focusing on your weaknesses.

Even though you might not know where to start, know that it is not impossible.
In fact, it’s very possible for you!
Just like it is for my clients.

Meet Kim

When she started working with me, she was filled with self-doubt.
She questioned everything that she did on a daily basis.
She never felt good enough.

Not about the things that she did, not about herself.
Somehow it was never good enough and she had a hard time living up to her expectation.

Until she made tweaks & small changes to her everyday life that eventually added up.
Those tweaks & small changes made all the difference.
Today I want to share them with you, so you can start your own positive and self-empowering journey!

Top 10 best ways to start believing in yourself again, even if you never did.

8 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion and to Increase Your Happiness

Tip 1: Healthy Routines

Creating healthy routines in your life helps you improve your mental & physical health.
They make sure that you get your healthy dose of self-care in daily. (Yup, there’s another one!)

They are important to get in touch with your personal power.
Plus they can look very different to each and every one of us.

Think about what you want & need on a daily and weekly basis and use that to create your routine.

This healthy routine will have a positive impact on your life and empower you to start believing in yourself again.

Maybe you like a morning routine or maybe an evening routine is a better fit for you.
Try both and see what works for you.

Most of my clients use The Happiness Checklist as a part of their routine.
It adds to their level of joy & fulfillment and it often puts an instant smile on their faces.

Tip 2: Accept What Is

Believing in yourself starts with accepting your life as it has been.
You can’t change anything about the past.

Try to find lessons and gratitude in what was and if that is hard for you, try to change your perspective on things.

Have you overcome challenges in your life that hold a lot of negative energy for you?
Know that you can’t change anything about the past.
And holding on to that negativity isn’t helping you to live your best life.

Instead, try to accept that situation for what it was and see if you can find (small) personal wins. For example that you didn’t give up, that you made the best of it or that you simply survived the challenge.

Those are all things to be really proud of.

Finding the positive in situations doesn’t change what happened.
It changes the energy that it’s holding.

Instead of draining your battery by focusing on the negative, it starts charging it because you’re focusing on the positive.

You are still here, you pulled through and that makes you a rockstar!

8 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion and to Increase Your Happiness

Tip 3: Practice Self-love

Practicing self-love is one of the biggest gifts that you can give to yourself.

Instead of pursuing the person that you would like to be, you’re showing yourself that you accept yourself exactly as you are. It’s about embracing your strengths AND your weaknesses.
Because together they make you that unique & beautiful person that you are.

Did you know that the way you think about yourself, is more directly connected to your happiness than the circumstances of your life?

Self-love is the basis of self-belief and all the self-words that you’d like to master.

Practicing self-compassion is a beautiful way to get started with self-love.

Check out this blog to discover 8 ways to practice self-compassion, so you can increase your happiness.

Tip 4: Be Mindful of How You Feed Your Mind

Without noticing it, a lot of negativity can enter your life.
This can be while watching the news or hearing others complain.

When you don’t limit negative input, negative thoughts will spread and grow.
And that’s not helping you to live your best life.

Because yes, YOU are in charge of what you consume.
You can make deliberate choices during the day and set boundaries that limit negative input.

For example, instead of watching the news in the morning, put on your favorite song and dance away.
The world will still exist and you start your day with a smile on your face.

Read a chapter in a book that you’ve been wanting to read or find some inspirational quotes that you can write down.

Feed your brain with things that matter to you.
Things that make a difference to you & let that positivity empower you!

Another important part is your self-talk and the language that you are using in your daily life.

Spend a day catching yourself how you talk to yourself, what kind of thoughts pop up in your head?
Are they positive or negative?

Because when they’re negative, you will focus on the negative things in your life.
When they’re positive, you will focus on the positive things in your life.

Changing the narrative of your self-talk is such an important gift that you can give to yourself.
And it’s essential when you want to start believing in yourself again.

Be kind, be gentle, you deserve it!

Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again.

Tip 5: Bust Your Blocks

Also known as limiting beliefs.

You can think of them as gifts that you never really wanted but you got them anyway.
The good thing is…
That doesn’t mean that you have to hold on to them though!

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that block you to go after what you really want.
That limits you and you are often unaware of them because they were “passed down” to you.
They are fear-based and they don’t serve you.

What they do though is they take up space in your brain and that’s a good reason you want to get rid of them.
This way you can make room for positive beliefs!

Busting limiting beliefs is a process and takes some time.
It’s where I go deep with my clients.

If you want to know more about limiting beliefs, download my guide.

It includes the 10 most common limiting beliefs that most women have.
Plus an affirmation for each of them is added, so you can start shifting your block right away!

Top 10 Happiness Blocks

Tip 6: Face Your Fears

When you’re having a hard time believing in yourself, it’s easy to make a lot of decisions based on fear.
The fear of what other people might think about you, what other people might say about you.

Fear is the main thing that holds you back from believing in yourself again, more than anything else.

And yes, a certain level of fear & anxiety is human, it’s healthy, but not when it’s holding you back from living your best life.

So don’t let fear stop you.

Things will happen, no matter what you do.
People will talk, no matter what you do.
And if you’re letting fear stop you from believing in yourself, you’ll be missing out on the most beautiful part.


Your beautiful & authentic you!

So the next time fear pops up together with the “What if…” question, try to flip it from a negative “What if…” to a positive one.

Instead of asking yourself “What if it won’t work?” ask yourself “What if it WILL work?”.

When you change your words, you have the power to change your outcome.
It’s a small step that will help you to increase your self-confidence.
Plus it will also boost your ability to have faith in yourself!

Tip 7: Develop a Growth Mindset

When you’re struggling with believing in yourself, there’s a big chance that you’re focusing on the things that happened in the past.
And I’m not talking past successes, but I’m talking mistakes that you can’t let go of.

The ones that you keep reflecting back on with negative emotions and that block you from believing in yourself.

You’re probably very aware that making mistakes is normal. It makes you human.
Now, the mistakes aren’t the real problem here, it’s what you do next.

If you’re beating yourself up after making a mistake, a lot of negative energy will be attached to it and it will keep bringing you down.

Instead, if you’re looking for lessons and improvement, you’re stimulating positive thinking.
You start developing a growth mindset.
And that’s essential when you want to start believing in yourself again.

So when you reflect back, see how you can learn and grow from your mistakes, look for the lessons.
Most of all, also think about how you can celebrate your successes.
Because I’m convinced that there is so much good to reflect on as well.

If you’re struggling with making mistakes and empowering yourself to find the lessons, make sure to download the top 5 affirmations that help my clients go from feeling stressed to feeling confident and empowered after making mistakes.

Empowering Affirmations - Happy things in life

Tip 8: Dive Into Personal Development

One of the best ways to start believing in yourself again is by developing yourself.
Growth is such an important aspect when it comes to self-belief.

It sparks curiosity, enthusiasm, and you’re broadening your perspective on the world and its possibilities.
Plus personal development ignites curiosity toward yourself as well.

You learn more about yourself.
You learn more about your abilities and EVERYTHING that you’re capable of.
That’s is a beautiful confidence boost!

So think about it…
What sparks your interest?
What’s something (not work-related) that you would like to know more about?
What’s something new that you would like to try?
Or what’s something you did in the past that you would like to catch up on again?

Think about it and take the first step to start with it today!

Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again.

Tip 9: Be Strong & Be Vulnerable

Another important aspect of believing in yourself is drawing on your inner strength.

Nowadays a lot of people feel that if they’re strong, that’s a good thing.
Don’t get me wrong, it is, but so is being vulnerable.

You can’t always be strong, it’s impossible and not necessary at all.

What it does though, is that it stimulates negative energy & feelings when it comes to your other emotions.

When you believe that you always have to be strong, anything else gets labeled as “bad” and you beat yourself up for it. That’s when negative self-talk develops.

The way that you talk to & with yourself makes all the difference.
Because the language that you use matters!

If you give yourself the opportunity to grow and embrace the other sides to you as well, you will discover the beauty that lies in vulnerability.

The beauty of not knowing, the beauty of sharing and feeling supported by your community.
The beauty of opening up and breaking down those walls around you.

If this is something that you’re struggling with, feel free to book a 30-minute coffee chat with me to see how you can grow in this area.

Know that just because you can do everything alone, doesn’t mean you have to!
It’s okay to open up and let someone else have your back for once.

CLICK HERE to book our chat to discover how you can start embracing ALL parts of yourself.

Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again.

Tip 10: Create Habits That Fit Your Dreams

Having healthy habits makes all the difference.

Just like creating a healthy, positive (morning) routine, creating healthy habits that fit your dreams can do wonders for believing in yourself again.

They empower you & make you feel good about yourself and your life.

Take a moment to think about your habits.
Which ones do you have and do they empower or disempower you?

When something doesn’t go as planned, how do you react?
When you’re dreading that task on your to-do list? What do you do?

There lies so much power in the habits that you have developed over the years and it’s so valuable to have a look at them every once in a while.
By doing so, you’ll discover patterns and the possibility to reflect on them.

Are they serving you?
Do they help you to believe in yourself again?
Do they empower you to live your best life?

If so, awesome!
If not, it’s time to take uncomfortable action and change them.

See how you can get from where you are right now to where you would like to be.

Take that uncomfortable first step and see how by changing your habits you empower yourself to grow.

Be kind with yourself, be gentle, and celebrate your courage.

You’re doing an amazing job!

Lots of love & positivity,

Claudia Degen
Top 10 Happiness Blocks

6 thoughts on “Top 10 ways to start believing in yourself again. [Even if you never did]”

    1. Yay, I absolutely agree with you Toni! Developing a growth mindset makes all the difference when you want to start believing in yourself again & build that condifence! 🤗

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