3 Ways to Reduce Your Stress and Increase Your Happiness!

3 Ways to Reduce Your Stress & Increase Your Happiness!

Let’s have a look at how stress is influencing your happiness, learn about the 3 things that add to your stress & how you can decrease them.
Plus… discover a quick 1-minute joy boost that you can use whenever needed.

Want to lower your stress levels right away?
Get started with the Happiness Checklist!
A fun and empowering way to reduce your stress & increase your happiness in just 5-10 minutes a day!

When you are calm and at ease, it’s easy to detect stress. Those are the moments that you are still aware that those stressy feelings are growing and it’s so much easier to take action.

But you don’t always feel like that, do you?
Sometimes you feel that you are super busy, but when you write things down on paper you see that you are doing the same things that you are normally doing.

So why does it FEEL so different?

First things first, it doesn’t have to mean that you are unproductive or are doing anything wrong.
It might just as well mean that you are experiencing stress and because you have been feeling like this for a while now, you are not recognizing that feeling anymore.

Maybe no new things have been added to your list, but ask yourself have you been taking enough rest lately? When was the last time you REALLY took some time off?

For at least a full day, a day that had nothing to do with work.
A day where you had fun and did things that helped you recharge your battery again!

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Feeling overwhelmed 3 Ways to Reduce Your Stress and Increase Your Happiness!

Feeling overwhelmed

When you are taking on work and it’s getting too much, it’s possible that you start focusing on the details more than you have to.

This is because you know you are not your best self at that moment and you absolutely do not want to make mistakes.

So instead of cutting yourself some slack, you start zooming in and now the workload looks even bigger because you are having all these extra details in your head that you don’t want to forget about. While normally, you would only focus on those when you get to that task.

When you start feeling like this, ask yourself whether you have too much on your plate or not.

If that’s the case, and there is only strength in acknowledging that,

Does everything have to be finished this week?

If not, maybe you can take something off your plate and move it to next week.

Can someone help?

I know, I know, not your normal go-to because nowadays we are all wired to do everything ourselves. But why not give it a try?

There is actually a big chance that they might say yes and that they are happy to help!

Are you making lists?

Make lists that help you focus on your goals and that show you the progress that you are making. Sometimes we feel that we have lists that are never-ending, but seeing all those ticks on there shows how much you have done already! And that counts!

Empowering Affirmations - Happy things in life

Lack of Time

The moment that you feel that you don’t have enough time, you take away from experiencing joy and happiness.

Because even if you keep doing things that are fun to you, your mind isn’t fully there. In your head, there’s still that feeling telling you that you still have too much to do.

Maybe it even tells you that instead of having fun, you “should” be doing something else because your to-do list isn’t finished yet.

And when that happens you start developing a negative association with the fun thing that you are doing. Now you don’t want that, do you?

Schedule time

Schedule time for the tasks that you would like to do today and also schedule time for something fun. This can be in between tasks or at the end as a reward, what feels best to you.

Tell yourself that it’s important to have fun!
It will reduce that feeling of stress AND having fun makes you so much more creative and productive!

Try it for yourself and see how a 10-minute break full of laughs & movement can make you feel as if you are ready to take on the world again!!

lack of time 3 Ways to Reduce Your Stress and Increase Your Happiness!

Other People’s Opinions

The moment that you start seeking other people’s approval, and you start listening to their opinions, you start increasing that feeling of stress. Because suddenly you’re doubting whether your actions or performance are good enough.

The most important question to ask yourself is whether YOU think it’s good enough.
If you feel it is, awesome, that’s how it should be.

When you start focusing on what other people think, you basically take a step away from yourself. Every time a little bit further.

It’s so important to stay true to yourself! Because when you do, you will feed your strength, your energy, your happiness and you will show the best results possible.

Remember that you are a rockstar and when you believe in yourself, other people’s opinions don’t matter.

Of course, it’s still nice when you get compliments, we all like and deserve them! But you know that you are awesome.

And when someone gives you feedback, that’s okay too. It doesn’t take away from your awesomeness, it shows room for improvement and we all like to grow, don’t we?

Hopefully, this shows why believing in yourself is so important and how it can help reduce stress as well.

Happiness Checklist - Joy Boost - Happy things in life

A Quick 1-minute Joy Boost

Ready for a quick solution to stress? It’s a quick 1-minute joy boost!

A positive trigger that you know will instantly put a smile on your face no matter where you are, or what you do, or what is happening.

Positive triggers are instant stress reducers and they can be songs, videos, voice messages, pictures that remind you of an amazing memory…
And the moment you watch it or think of it, it gives you that happy feeling and takes your mind off of things.

It’s up to you to figure out what that positive trigger is for you and you can do so by asking yourself “What puts a BIG smile upon my face?”
And then give it a go. Try it! Take a full minute to think about your positive trigger.

Whenever you’re not feeling 100% at ease, give yourself that quick 1-minute joy boost to increase your happiness. Make sure that you really feel that moment of joy and happiness.

And feel free to share your positive trigger that gives you a joy boost. I would love to hear all about it and you might inspire other people with it as well.

The happiness checklist, happy things in life

The Happiness Checklist

Have you already heard about the Happiness Checklist?
It’s a powerful tool to increase your happiness in just 5 minutes a day.

By asking yourself 5 simple questions, you show up for yourself daily and that helps you to reduce stress and increase your happiness as well!!

The happiness checklist - Happy Things In life

Join my Facebook community full of like-minded women who are determined to add more happiness to their lives 

Connect with me on Instagram to make sure you stay up-to-date about all the latest ins & outs and offers!

Have a happy day,

Claudia Degen
Start creating the happy life you want! Happy Things in Life by Claudia Degen

4 thoughts on “3 Ways to Reduce Your Stress & Increase Your Happiness!”

  1. Lots of good information about creating happiness in your life… it’s really rather simple, isn’t it? Yet life gets so chaotic and crazy sometimes we forget about mindset and joy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I’m happy to hear it was helpful Susan! Yes, life does get chaotic & crazy sometimes, that’s why it’s so SO important to make mindful choices so that you can get back in charge!

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