“Have fun!” that’s what people say right?
People want you to have fun! So why isn’t fun a part of your daily routine?
If you are looking for reasons to have fun, you have come to the right place.
I’ve got a few good reasons for you. 10 to be exact!
Having fun is 1 of the fundamentals of Happiness
It’s so easy to get caught up in work and life. Life can get so busy that you might miss out on the most important thing… Simply to enjoy life. To have fun and lots of laughter.
Having fun is important.
So important that it is 1 of the fundamentals of happiness.
And here you are today, showing up for yourself and one of the best things to make sure you’re having a bit of fun every day, is to put it on your calendar.
Because we all know that if we don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.
So why not start your day in the best way possible with a fun & uplifting morning routine that only takes 5-10 minutes a day?

Having fun helps to make things work FOR YOU

We all have our daily to-do lists and there are two ways you can go about it.
You can look at it and think “Look at all the things I have to do today…” OR you can make your chores work for you, just like one of the amazing women I work with did.
Nowadays Rachael looks at how her chores can benefit HER.
For example, walking her dogs…
Instead of looking at it as if it is another thing she has to do, she made the incredible mind shift to seeing it as if she is going for a nice walk in nature. Because she likes going on walks! And her dogs are lucky because they get to go along with her.
Looking for the fun in things really helps to make things work for you!
Having fun reduces stress
When you’re having fun and you’re laughing, negative emotions have no chance!
You are probably familiar with the stress hormone cortisol that spikes when you’re stressed. Having fun doesn’t only decrease your cortisol it also increases your serotonin levels!
What’s that? Serotonin regulates your most basic processes.
Think about sleep patterns, memory, your mood.
It balances the daily basic needs that make you feel happier and helps you to sleep better at night as well!
Having fun improves your relationships
Having more fun in our daily lives makes that we want to have more fun with others as well! When you’re having fun with others, it has a positive effect on building trust and meaningful connections.
Laughing together makes us more approachable & friendly and helps us build relationships with others.
On the other hand, having fun together also helps to overcome differences & helps to work through challenges together.

Having fun helps to be more present
When you’re having fun, you are creating more headspace and you will have a cleared mind. It doesn’t get so clouded because your cortisol levels are lower.
And this helps us to be more present in the moment! And that’s another fundament of happiness! Being present helps you to experience the moment to the fullest and when you do, there is no room for worries or thoughts that are not serving you.
Get access to the FREE 7-day training called Your 7 Days to Happiness and experience how the 7 fundamentals of happiness add more day-to-day joy to your life!
Here’s what Bre had to say about the FREE 7-day training
I just want to say how grateful I am that I found this freebie and what you are doing.
I’ve been on a journey to finding true joy and happiness and this has been a big part of that path this week! I’m starting to understand a lot more and realizing happiness starts with me.
So thank you for sharing your knowledge!Bre
Having fun keeps you young
Did you know that children laugh on average up to 300 times a day?
For adults, about 17 times. Ouch…
Of course, children don’t have the same concerns and responsibilities as we do, but one of the reasons why they laugh more is because playtime is on their calendar.
So why don’t we do the same?
Think about how good it would feel if you could engage in an activity that makes you happy, instead of getting ahead of your to-do list.
Play games, have good laughs & feel young again.
After all… you are only as old as you feel!
We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.
George Bernard Shaw

Having fun helps you to create new memories
How many memories do you have that instantly put a smile on your face?
I truly hope that there are many and having fun can help you to create even more!
Whether you’re having fun by yourself or together with others, it helps you to create new memories that you can look back on and relive to experience those happy feelings again.
Having fun helps you to put things in perspective
Because having fun helps you to reduce stress, it makes room to put things in perspective.
It allows you to change the way you view things when you struggle and it reminds you of the important things in life.
When you find yourself worrying over things, a good laugh can help you to take your mind off of things and to see things from a new perspective.

Having fun increases your creativity
There’s a reason why children learn through play. It’s easier to learn when you’re having fun and you’re relaxed!
Having fun stimulates your imagination and you start to think in possibilities, which adds to your creativity and makes it way easier to tackle a new task.
It won’t come to you as a surprise that fun & creativity go hand in hand.
And when you’re having fun and you’re being creative, it also increases your productivity.
Having fun gives you more energy
Yes, you’re busy. Yes, you’ve got a lot on your mind. But guess what… especially when you’re feeling busy and maybe even a bit overwhelmed, having fun is the answer.
Funny, because it’s often the first thing that people give up on. Sounds familiar?
Next time you’re about to remove fun things from your to-do list, don’t.
The answer is simple, it increases your energy in the long run. It helps you to blow off steam and to relax so you are able to take on your busy days.
Stress and pain are both mentally and physically draining. That’s why taking the time to relax, enjoy yourself, and spend your time having fun with others can help you feel more energized.
Fun reduces stress, anxiety & depression, increases your happiness, and gives you all the energy you need to take on the world!

Join the FUN party!
I hope this was helpful and that it motivates you to have fun. Whether it’s 5 minutes or an hour, it all counts. At least you’ve got enough reasons to try it now! Not convinced? Read Why All Happy Moments in Your Life Matter.
Right now I’m throwing a FUN party in my Facebook group where we inspire each other to live our best lives and to have fun! Feel free to join the party and share your own fun moments!
What’s something fun that you like to do?

I love the reminders about why having fun is critical in this stressed, hurried life of ours! As a full-time working mom of 3, I do find myself realizing that I have to “chill”, let go, and have fun with them. As a book lover, my all time “fun time” with them (as nerdy as it sound, lol!) is to have reading forts, Book-nics, and just relaxing and sharing great stories!
I wish we could print this post and put it everywhere so people can see how important it is to have fun! Especially during these times! It’s so important to put our trouble aside and let loose. We owe it to ourselves 😃 thank you for putting this together, awesome post!
What a fantastic post! Thank you for writing it and sharing it.
So true, adding happiness into our lives, multiplies to more happiness and positivity. We must have fun and stop taking ourselves and the world too seriously. Let loose and having fun has always been my best medicine.
My husband is one for always saying we need to have fun. When I met him 11 years ago, I wasn’t fun 😊. But together we have fun! We even found ways to have fun at home during the shut down in 2020. That is what got us through that time.