Hi there Perfectionista!

Watch the video below to discover how you can shift your happiness block.

In this short video you'll discover...

Are you ready to say goodbye to feeling too busy, unfulfilled and unhappy?

Join my FREE 5-day challenge Your 7 Steps to Happiness so that you can start feeling happy & fulfilled again!

The Ultimate Happiness Challenge is starting
October 17th


Are you busy ticking off lists all day?

Feeling overwhelmed because there is just too much to do and in the end, there are only 24 hours in one day.  Before you know it, another day has gone by… 

There was time for your partner, your kids, your boss, your colleagues, your friends,

👏 BUT 👏 NO 👏 TIME 👏 FOR 👏 YOU      

And here you are again, collapsed on the couch wondering where the day went… 

Exhausted… and saying, “I’ll have time for me tomorrow“, but tomorrow never comes.
Because ME time is always LAST on your list! 

You’re busy ALL day and EVERY day, making sure everything gets done properly and problems are getting solved. So everyone else is happy… but what about YOU?

Believe me, I get it!

I was in exactly the same position as you… 
Working 60 hour weeks, being busy all day helping everyone around me at work, and all my loved ones, making sure everything was done in the best way possible. 

Thinking I could live off a kind word, a thank you or a smile a day.
Until one day, it just wasn’t enough anymore.

I wanted MORE for myself WITHOUT feeling guilty!

And so my journey to choosing myself, and working on my happiness began.
I learned that I could show up for myself and enjoy MY LIFE, that I was important too…

That it didn’t take away from me helping others, in fact, it fuelled me, so I could show up for others happily, instead of resenting my life because I was so burned out, from never filling my cup! 

Over the past few years I’ve discovered what true happiness is and how simple it can be to create it in your life.

And that’s exactly what I help my clients do today.
And now I want to share The 7 Steps to Happiness with YOU too! 

Your 7 Steps to Happiness - Happy Things in Life

This FREE 5-day challenge is for you if you are ready to...

Happy Clients

All along I thought I was living a happy life and had everything. But it was more like I was satisfied making everyone else happy and meeting their needs. But never really did I pay attention to my feelings. I had no time or made time to feel.

One day, I came across such an amazing, positive, fun, energetic and happy coach, Claudia, who just didn't mentor me on how to simply follow steps to a better happy life but actually what it takes to implement on a daily basis to reassure that I have feelings and needs too.

I am grateful for this incredible challenge.
I actually for once had me time. It made me realize that I need to make some changes in my life in order for me to actually feel better and happy. I strongly recommend the Your 7 Steps to Happiness Challenge by Claudia Degen. It's so time worth. So, now I challenge you to join!!
Testimonial Veronica G. Your 7 steps to Happiness
Veronica G.
If you want to find more happiness, positivity and peace in your life then I absolutely recommend you sign up to the free 5-day challenge!

Claudia has introduced me to simple but powerful techniques that have helped me take control of my own happiness.

Claudia is a great tutor – immensely likeable, with a calm, empathetic and enthusiastic style.

I gained so much from the 5 Day Challenge that I’ve now signed up for Claudia’s next course Happy Life by Design and I can’t wait to get started.

Try it and see for yourself – you’ve nothing to lose and a more fulfilled, positive and happy life to gain.
Testimonial Rachael L. Your 7 steps to Happiness
Rachael L.
Your 7 Steps to Happiness - Happy Things in Life

Join The Ultimate Happiness Challenge.

Make the rest of your life, the best of your life!
